Talking about Project 2025

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What is project 2025?

Project 2025 is an initiative by the conservative Heritage Foundation to remake the federal government under a new Trump term. This group outlined their agenda in a 900-page document that includes instructions for a full MAGA takeover of the executive branch. 

We need to keep Project 2025 in the front of voters’ minds this year. The policies in this authoritarian playbook aren’t just unpopular—they’re toxic and authoritarian. Voters need to know that this is the Trump agenda, and they have the power to stop it.

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MAGA’s Fascist Playbook for a New Trump Term

Connect Project 2025 to Donald Trump

Trump wants to hide his agenda. We can’t let him. Donald Trump has been working hard to distance himself from Project 2025, so it’s important to connect it directly to him and his campaign.

  • Call it “Donald Trump’s Project 2025” or “Trump’s Project 2025 agenda.” Don’t leave any room for voters to misunderstand who this is for and who owns it.

  • Remind voters it was literally written by Team Trump—his advisors and first term cabinet secretaries. There is no space between the candidate and the plan.

Focus on impact, not process

Project 2025 is a strategy playbook, but voters care about the outcomes. This 900-page document contains a lot of detail, but it’s important to remember what matters most to voters: outcomes that affect their lives, not the political processes that get us there.

  • Talk about the end goals for issues like reproductive freedom, civil rights, Social Security, and Medicare. Be specific on the outcomes, like bans on abortion access and raising the retirement age.

  • Be sure to mention how services that Americans use every day will be impacted. For instance, it calls for the dissolution of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) -- meaning no more free weather reports!

Educate, don’t preach

The contents of Project 2025 are almost unbelievable—it’s our job to make it feel real. If you’re reading this guide, you’re the type of person who probably isn’t shocked by the extremism and depravity of MAGA, but a lot of voters are! We need to meet them where they are to convince them of the threat of Project 2025, and that means approaching with understanding and patience, not frustration.

  • Use shared values to establish a conversation, and feel comfortable sharing your own journey of understanding. “I know, I couldn’t believe it either” can be a powerful invitation!

  • Name the key actors, like Donald Trump, rather than painting it as a vast conspiracy. We want to sound believable, not hyperbolic.

  • Focus on the parts of Project 2025 that matter most to voters, rather than convincing them to care about the parts that don’t.

Key Messages

Here are some talking points you can use to talk with your community and the media about Project 2025.

Introducing Project 2025

Project 2025 is the MAGA agenda for a new Trump term.

  • Have you heard about Project 2025? It’s Republicans’ agenda for a new Trump term, and it’s filled with some shocking proposals.

  • Project 2025 is a 900-page playbook for Republicans next year if they gain power, and it’s focused on attacking our rights, giving handouts to billionaires and corporations, and undermining your vote.

  • This new extreme MAGA agenda is all about giving Trump the power to make decisions for you and your family. This election is a decision on whether or not we want to give him and his extremist allies that power.

The Dangerous Goals of Project 2025

Project 2025 effectively ends reproductive freedom nationwide.

  • Donald Trump’s Project 2025 would ban medication abortion, effectively ending access to abortion for millions of Americans. This war on women extends even to emergency situations by allowing abortion care to be denied even when a patient’s life is at risk.

  • Project 2025 strips away access to sex education for students, instead instructing federal programs to teach abstinence-only approaches.

  • We are already living with too many women suffering and dying under Trump abortion bans. Project 2025 would push that suffering into every community, including ours.

Project 2025 hurts working families while rewarding billionaires.

  • Project 2025 is all about rewarding corporations and billionaires. This MAGA playbook raises taxes on middle-class families while rolling back protections for workers like you and me.

  • Project 2025 lets corporations skirt overtime laws, meaning that workers will have their wages stolen with support from our government.

  • This MAGA plan includes new taxes on employer-provided health insurance for workers like us, making the cost of living higher for all of us.

  • The authors of Project 2025 plan to end all student loan forgiveness, and some people will be subjected to up to double their current loan payments.

Project 2025 gives the government power to attack civil rights.

  • MAGA’s attack on our rights is a central goal of Project 2025. It specifically strips protections away from women and LGBTQ people in education and the workplace, putting millions at risk of targeting and worse.

  • Project 2025 eliminates laws that protect against racial discrimination in housing, the labor market, and schools, ending protections that have been in place for decades.

  • It classifies any book, tv show, or movie with gay content or characters as ‘pornography’, and calls for a total ban on all porn. They want to impose their far-right extremist values on the entire country.

  • Trump’s Project 2025 would ban public sector unions and allow states to ban labor unions entirely, ending your right to organize in the workplace.

Project 2025 slashes essential services we all rely on.

  • Social Security, Medicare, and nutrition assistance programs are all targeted for big cuts or elimination, and they want to roll back price caps on life-saving drugs.

  • Government services that keep us safe would be gone, including basics like weather alerts that warn us of dangerous storms and clean air and water programs.

  • They don’t just want to eliminate free school lunch programs—they plan to dissolve the Department of Education entirely and end enforcement of laws guaranteeing special education programs for students.

Donald Trump and Project 2025

Project 2025 is the Trump-Vance agenda.

 From the very beginning, Project 2025 was created specifically for a second Trump term and working with key Trump allies. Now that Americans are starting to learn about how horrible the plan is, he’s trying to distance himself from it, but the Trump and Vance record tells the real story:

  • Trump has repeatedly praised both the Heritage Foundation and the authors of the Project 2025 playbook and said that “they’re going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do” if he’s re-elected.

  • There’s a huge overlap between Trump staffers and the creators and co-sponsors of the plan—CNN has identified over 140 people who worked for Trump and also created or endorsed the transition plan.

  • JD Vance is deeply aligned with Project 2025 and has advocated for its proposals even before he joined the Republican ticket. He’s praised it as being full of “good ideas” and has been a major proponent of the plan to fire and replace every non-MAGA public servant in government.

when we fight, we win

Let’s keep this simple: you’re ready to send Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to the White House and secure a Democratic House and Senate in 2025. We’ve got tons of ways to make that happen, and it all starts with you. Plug in your address below, and we’ll show you the most impactful actions you can take right now based on where you live.